Shots fired.

Reddit WritingPrompts turned into a small script piece for my fan comic.


“Good god, Shawn!  Are you okay?!”


Shawn slowly looked up from the newspaper he was reading as his boss’s brother busted into the door.  “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”  Ethan eyes widen in disbelief, “Jim shot you!  He shot you!  How are you not okay?!”  Shawn turns back to the paper, gingerly turning to the next page, being careful with his left shoulder.  “Eh, I probably had it coming.  I should have been paying more attention really.  Who knew that kid could do my job better than me?  Anyway, Jim should be out in a bit.”  


Almost on queue, the back door opened.  In a flourish of expensive suits and too much cologne, Jim burst into the room, “I think someone owes me an apology~!”  Shawn looked up with a guilty look on his face, “Sorry I bleed all over your favorite suit Jim.  You can take it out of my next cut.”  Jim ripped the newspaper out of Shawn’s hand and started reading the front page.  “Already have.  Next time, try not to be so incompetent, or I’ll just have to get rid of you permanently.”  


Ethan watched the exchange and sat down in a huff.  Jim looked up, “Hmm?  Oh, Ethan.  Nice to see you. Doing well, blah blah blah.  Why are you here?”  Ethan shrugged, “I heard you shot Shawn and replaced him.  I would have assumed it was a joke, but oh no.  You couldn’t do anything normal.  You daft bastard, you actually shot him!” Jim looked up confused, “Why, is that not how you are suppose to handle firing someone?”


Ethan blinked in surprise.  “What?  NO!  You are suppose to give them a severance package, not shot, maim, or kill them!”  Jim watched Ethan’s outburst before slowly turning to Shawn, “Are you dying and/or dead?”  Shawn frown, “Not anymore?”  Jim turned back to Ethan, “See, he’s fine.  No harm, no foul.” 


“No harm?!  Jim, I have accepted that you are a criminal, working with the gangs and mobs and being an all-around arse, but good god, you aren’t suppose to shot your best friend!”  Jim scoffed, “Best friend? That sounds like something normal people have.”  A sour look crossed over his face as he slowly looked at Shawn, “You’re not my best friend, are you?”  Shawn looked up at Jim with an indecisive look on his face, “Maybe that’s why you shot me in the shoulder?”  


A slow look of realization spread across Jim’s face, “I was wondering about that.  Well then, everything settled.  I must be off, I have much to do~.”  With a wave of a hand, Jim headed towards the door.  Ethan stood up, grabbing Jim’s arm to stop him from leaving, “No, it’s not settled.  I think you owe Shawn an apology.”  A look of disdain crossed Jim’s face before turning back to Shawn.  In a sarcastic tone, “Shawn, I’m sorry.”  Ethan gave his arm a shake, “For what?”


“I’m sorry I fired you.”  A look of disbelief spread across Ethan’s face, though Jim just sneered up at him, before pulling his arm out of Ethan’s hold and leaving.  Ethan just watched in disbelief before turning to Shawn, “How can you take this so nonchalant?  I thought you were best friends.”  Shawn just shrugged as he picked up the discarded newspaper.  “We are. That’s why he didn’t shot me in the head.” 

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