All the words in the world…

So, I’ve already stated that I found my calling in doing comics.  I get to add the visuals that I can’t with books, and they are such a timed process, that I have room for adjustments in my plot as I go along.  




However, one downfall I have is with so much freedom, I need to make sure that each dialogue bubble says exactly what it needs to say without being too wordy.  It has to be the perfect balance of character and information.  In one panel alone, I have re-worded the dialogue so many times, I forget what I’m trying to get across.  


You know For a six year old, you are kinda pretty kinda smart.”

“For a compliment, that’s kinda mean rude.   Compliments shouldn’t be mean.  You know what they say, “If you can’t say something nice…”  Most people don’t put up with people that are mean.


It’s funny that there is a thousand ways to say the exact same thing, yet one alteration can change everything.  

Indecisively indecisive.

So, I’m rather ADD when it comes to story ideas and plot lines.  When I have a story, I just like to constantly stir the contents and see if I missed something or if my story would flow better if certain things changed.  Sometimes I’ll find the perfect piece I was missing.  Other times, I’ll realize that there are pieces I don’t need or need more work.  Unfortunately, as a writer, sometimes the changes will happen after the fact, and I’ll have to re-write paragraph, chapters; sometimes even the whole book changes.  Gahh!  

However, now that I’m working on a my fan comic, I feel like I have all the time in the world to change things up.  I am working it one page at a time, and I end up with so much time to think out each volume, each page, each sentence until each one looks and sounds just right.  And I love it!  There are so many small details I would have missed if I was just writing this as a book.  It is growing and evolving at my kind of pace.  
I think I finally found my calling.  


When instant satisfaction has to wait.

I like instant satisfaction.  Its why I love cooking but hate baking.  It’s why I prefer fast food to sit down restaurants.  It’s why I sleep in instead of work out.  I like things here and now, and if that isn’t how it is, I let Future Me worry about it.  So, it’s literally painful working on this comic.  I want to share my whole story NOW!  


Yesterday, during lunch, in one hour I wrote the outline and layout for an entire volume of my comic. I was all excited, I was yes, it sounds great, its going to look great.  Its going to be my favorite volume.  But when I counted how many pages it was going to be, I almost cried.  In one hour, I planned out three months worth of drawing, shading, posting, and editing.  And I’m only three pages into my first volume!  I won’t get to this volume until winter, at least!.  Oh god!  


And all I can do is sit down, hold tight, and keep up with it.  For someone who likes instant satisfaction, there are just some things you can’t take a short cut with.  This needs to be done right.  This storytelling will take time, and for every ounce of patience I give it, I will receive the same amount of patience from my readers.  If they are willing to wait, so shall I.


The whole while, I’ll be shivering with anticipation.   

It’s late. I’m tired.  And while I very much want to go to bed, I realized that I haven’t blogged today.  And thoughts have gone to my head as I debated just going to bed.  I could blog.  I could blog twice tomorrow.  I could blog tomorrow, and just not blog today.  I even considered just not blogging on the weekends anymore since they’ve gotten very busy lately.  

So, with all these ideas going through my head, I opened up my laptop.  I could do all these things instead of doing my daily blog.  However, I’m blogging right now.  While I have no other obligations except to myself, but I am doing it right now. 
Because I said I would.


It seems to be the unspoken law that if you are going to do something, the best environment is peace and quiet.  But that’s not true for me.  I listen to music when I work.  The background music helps me focus on my projects without thinking about anything else.  Cause when I have complete silence, everything comes to a head, and I end up thinking about everything!  Not just my projects, but my current level of comfort, my life, my future, my finances, my chores, etc.

How can silence be so distracting?

Notes about Life.

Reddit’s WritingPrompts: Story ends with “From that day on, the image of that old piano remained in my head, as a deep scar that would never heal.”


My mother loved music. 


We had the old piano for as long as I could remember.  But she never played it.  Mother was very protective of the old piano, once telling me that it was an heirloom.  She never let me open the lid, and she wouldn’t let me play with it.  For that, like forbidden fruit, I was always drawn to it.  


Then, on my 6th birthday, mother pulled me into her lap and let me play on the old piano.  It was the best birthday gift I ever got.  I just enjoyed pressing the keys and hearing the notes carry around the room.  I never thought it was weird that only six of the black keys worked.  It didn’t matter.  I was in love.  I can still remember the sounds that resonated through me that day.  The notes were odd and warped, but it made the old piano that more endearing to me. 


And after that, mother was always by the piano.  She would always be playing, or teaching me, or watching me play.  And there were certain days I would come home, and mother would be sitting at the bench, a secretive smile on her face, “Come, come!  I have a surprise!”  I would sit down, and she would ask me to play through a piece.  And like Christmas on my birthday, as my hands rolls across the keys, a new sound would echo through house.  I would look up at her in such reverent glee.  She got a black key fixed.  


This was how I found my love for music.  These precious moments I had with my mother made me share her love of music.  For each note that got restored through the years, I loved it more. For how much she loved music, I never understood why she never pursued it.  I asked her multiple times, but she would always say, “Oh, I had a chance once, but other things came up.  And where would you be, if I had chosen to be grand pianist?”  She would then kiss my temple and show me a key position.


She was a great piano teacher.  By the time I finished high school, I had many schools and jobs lined up, all I had to do was chose.  But there was one that my mother wanted me to have more than any other; the pianist position at the McElree Opera House.  She had contacted them over and over again, wanting me to have that position. 


I got the a call that the person they were going to give the position to, some well known Europe pianist, was no longer available.  I had got the job.  I wasn’t happy, or ecstatic.  In fact, I was horrified.  I didn’t want the position.  All McElree pianists were cursed.  For the last twenty years, no one has held that position for more than 6 months.  Some got threatening notes, some got too freaked out about the rumors of the curse and left, and quite a few had accidents.  Those that persevered through the 6 months ended up dead, hanging from the ceiling with dulled piano wire.  While all the reports said suicide, some believe there was a serial killer with a vendetta against McElree.


I closed my eyes, trying not too freak out.  However, my mother was grinning and clapping her hands.  “I’m so proud of you!”  I gently grabbed her arms, “But mom, I don’t want to work there.”  She grinned and grabbed my hand to pull me to the living room, “Don’t be silly.  Come, sit down and play me a tune.”  I sat down, slightly defeated.  She was so happy right now, I couldn’t destroy that.  I’d bring it up later.


I started to play, and as I hit one of the dead keys, I looked up in surprise as a new note played.  I turned to her in surprise, “You fixed another one?”  She nodded excitedly, “Of course.  It was a surprise for you getting the job!”  I tilted my head curiously, “How did you know I’d get it?”  She just grinned and started playing the piano herself.  “You were destined for that job.  I knew.  I knew the moment I had to give up that job to have you, that you would make me proud and get my job back.”


I grabbed her hand, stopping her, “Wait, that’s why you wanted me to have this job?  You worked there?”  She just grinned and patted my cheek, “Yes, of course.  I was destined for that job, and so are you.  I made sure that nothing would stand in your way.”  She went back to playing as I sat in thought.  Nothing would stand in my way?  She couldn’t possibly mean that.  could she?  


But by then, everything started to make sense.  My mother was the curse.  My mother scared, harmed- Oh my god, my mother killed people!  I got up and slowly walked over to the phone.  As I picked it up, I looked back at mother.  As she starts playing a new song, I made the call.  


From then, it was a swirl of motion and blurred lights and chaos.  There was police, and news vans, and questions.  “McElree killer identified!”  “McElree Curse or Motherly Love Gone To Far?”  As I heard the headlines, all I could do was sit in shock as people asked me questions.

 I didn’t see anything.  I didn’t know anything.  


The only thing I did know was that I would never touch a piano again.  And from that day on, I knew the image of that old piano would remain in my head, as a deep scar that would never heal.



Go for it.

So, as my past blogs have said, last week was messy.  I had too much going on, and I was very distracted, even at work.  However, now that I finally gave in and committed to my new project, I have been overflowing with ambition.  I got so much done this weekend; planing, drawing, even websites and media pages.  And now, even at work, I’ve been more focused and productive. 


What a difference one change, one commitment, can do.


I really believe that if you have been hmm’ing and ha’ing over an idea, you should just do it.  Don’t worry about what other people think, or even what you might think.  Don’t worry about doubts or obstacles.  If it resonates with you, if it just feels right, do it!  Trust me, it’ll be so worth it.  


And yes, I know there will be days where we’ll be too lazy or lost, or days that we don’t think it’s worth its while.  And there just might be a day where we might give up.  But for right now, in this moment, we should just let Future Us worry about that.  That’s a problem we haven’t come across yet.  


What I have right now is this.  And I’m giving it all I’ve got.  

When my brain won’t stop.

This week, I have been nothing but distracted, which is rather unfortunate for my work.  I haven’t been able to get much done on anything.  I’m worrying about my book, I am rush-writing a fanfic just to get it out of my head, and now, out of nowhere, I get an idea to write a comic.  With my brain so full, the only thing I can think is where is all this coming from?!  


There is so much going on, I almost feel like I’m drowning.  In the past week, I’ve researched tumors, swimming techniques, London gangs, comic layouts, and so much more.  I just wish I could sit my brain down and talk to it about organizing and time management.  Just because you can doesn’t mean you should; less is more; there’s no i in team so we both need to be on the same page.  But when this happens, there really isn’t thing I can do but hang on tight.   For now, I just try to get all the ideas down on paper before my brain finally does run out of steam.  


Nothing is worse than when your brain runs empty, and all creative thoughts are lost. 

A thousand lives.

I’ve seen the quote everywhere; in libraries, on posters, even as tattoos.

“I have lived a thousand lives.”

I get this.  I know what it means.  Books, movies, and games give you access to a thousands lives for you to live.  However, when I read books or play games or think up stories, I rarely put myself in the character’s shoes.  There’s only been a few that I fell into willingly.  That rarely happens. I just don’t make that connection.  And its not that I can’t.  It’s just that I won’t.

I am a coward.  I don’t want to live a thousand lives because that means I must die a thousand deaths.  I am not a brave person or an ambitious person.  I’m not strong or defiant.  I am a kind and quiet person.  I’m supportive and caring.  So when I read or watch or create, I do more.

I create a thousand lives and watch them grow.

I watch a thousand lives to see where they go.

I love a thousands lives for all they are worth.

I touch a thousands lives and when the end comes, I mourn the thousand deaths as if they were my own.