When instant satisfaction has to wait.

I like instant satisfaction.  Its why I love cooking but hate baking.  It’s why I prefer fast food to sit down restaurants.  It’s why I sleep in instead of work out.  I like things here and now, and if that isn’t how it is, I let Future Me worry about it.  So, it’s literally painful working on this comic.  I want to share my whole story NOW!  


Yesterday, during lunch, in one hour I wrote the outline and layout for an entire volume of my comic. I was all excited, I was yes, it sounds great, its going to look great.  Its going to be my favorite volume.  But when I counted how many pages it was going to be, I almost cried.  In one hour, I planned out three months worth of drawing, shading, posting, and editing.  And I’m only three pages into my first volume!  I won’t get to this volume until winter, at least!.  Oh god!  


And all I can do is sit down, hold tight, and keep up with it.  For someone who likes instant satisfaction, there are just some things you can’t take a short cut with.  This needs to be done right.  This storytelling will take time, and for every ounce of patience I give it, I will receive the same amount of patience from my readers.  If they are willing to wait, so shall I.


The whole while, I’ll be shivering with anticipation.