Terabyte goodbyes.

So, I had to break up with Weebly. But it wasn’t them, it was apparently me. In hindsight, I realized that my fan comic might be too dark and twisty for their terms of service. So, I asked them. 

Me: So….. I was thinking, later on, in my web comic, uh, things might get dark and twisty. 
Host: We don’t do dark and twisty.
Me: What if I just upgrade to my own domain name through your website? Then my dark and twisties won’t be associated with your name, right? Would that be cool?
Host: Noo….. We can’t touch dark and twisty with a ten foot ether cable. That just won’t work.
Me: ….But I like you….. 
Host: You know, there are other web hosts that use our builder and they will be more accepting of your twisties. Ask them out.
Me: But…. I don’t want them, I’d have to redo everything…. I want you… I need you!!!! 
Host: Ummm… Thanks for being a valued customer? OKbai! *disconnect*


Me: *whispers* I love you Weebly. 