Random thoughts.

So, usually, I try to keep my blogs focused on one thing at a time, but today, I have a couple things to talk about.


First off, yesterday, someone, not naming names but it might rhyme with ‘my doommate’…  Damn, now that sounds cooler than roommate.  From now on, I shall call her my doommate.  Anyways…  my doommate called me out about the title of yesterday’s blog, ‘Well, that was a good run….’.  She got confused and that I was #quitting.  I’m not.  That blog was just over the fact that I lost my ‘daily log in bonus’.  Didn’t say I was quitting, just that I haven’t been, and won’t be, strict on the fact that daily blogs aren’t always going to be daily. 


So, onto my relationship update with Weebly.  Yes, I’m still talking to Weebly after our(my) painful break up.  I think we’ve entered a ‘friends with benefits’ kind of relationship.  Cause, while I can’t be with Weebly, Weebly says I can still use it’s stuff…  But only at someone else’s house. Oh, but I can’t use all the font editors….   And there’s other features missing….  And now I have to pay for it….   Weebly, how could you?!  Weebly, you’re a whore!  #crying…..  *sniff*…. So, you do take cash?

Terabyte goodbyes.

So, I had to break up with Weebly. But it wasn’t them, it was apparently me. In hindsight, I realized that my fan comic might be too dark and twisty for their terms of service. So, I asked them. 

Me: So….. I was thinking, later on, in my web comic, uh, things might get dark and twisty. 
Host: We don’t do dark and twisty.
Me: What if I just upgrade to my own domain name through your website? Then my dark and twisties won’t be associated with your name, right? Would that be cool?
Host: Noo….. We can’t touch dark and twisty with a ten foot ether cable. That just won’t work.
Me: ….But I like you….. 
Host: You know, there are other web hosts that use our builder and they will be more accepting of your twisties. Ask them out.
Me: But…. I don’t want them, I’d have to redo everything…. I want you… I need you!!!! 
Host: Ummm… Thanks for being a valued customer? OKbai! *disconnect*


Me: *whispers* I love you Weebly. 